Ok, Dudes and Dudettes, Windance, the ultimate source for all your outdoor gear needs, is excited to announce our totally bodacious new line of bike roof racks.
Up your storage game with Windance's new bike roof racks
Whether you're a hardcore mountain biker or love cruising around town on your trusty road bike, we've got the perfect roof bike rack for you. Our roof mount bike racks are designed to securely hold your bike when you are out adventuring, so you don't have to worry about it taking a tumble at the next bend.
Roof mount or carrier? Choose the perfect bike roof rack for your ride
When choosing a bike carrier, it's important to consider the type of vehicle you have, as well as the type of bikes you will be transporting. A well-fitting bike carrier is essential for a safe and secure ride.
Here's a brief overview of the three styles of bike carriers Windance carries:
Top Mount: The Top Mount bike carrier is designed to attach to the roof of your vehicle, providing a secure and stable mount for your bike. It allows for easy access to the trunk or rear of the vehicle, and doesn't block the driver's view. It is typically designed to fit a range of bikes, from road bikes to mountain bikes.
Rear Mount: The Rear Mount bike carrier is designed to attach to the back of your vehicle, typically using straps and hooks to secure the bike in place. It is a convenient and easy-to-use option for transporting one or more bikes, and can be easily installed or removed as needed. It can also fold down for easy storage when not in use.
Hitch Mount: The Hitch Mount bike carrier is designed to attach to the hitch receiver on the back of your vehicle, providing a secure and stable mount for your bike. It can be easily installed or removed as needed. It is typically designed to fit a range of bikes and can be adjusted to accommodate different wheel sizes and frame styles.
Why high-quality bike roof racks are worth the investment
Now let's talk about the importance of high-quality bike roof racks. Trust us, you want to ensure quality when it comes to something as important as hauling your bike. When you have invested in the right bicycle, you need to trust that the bike roof rack carrying that investment is sound and dependable. High-quality racks are built to last and can handle the load of your bike without breaking or falling apart. They're also safer, with advanced design principles and engineering to ensure they remain stable and secure even during adverse conditions.
The science behind superior bike roof racks
Let's get a little science-y and talk about the ins and outs of high-quality roof racks.
First and foremost, these bad boys are designed to handle the load. That means they're built to hold your gear securely and evenly without any weak points or areas of stress that could lead to failure. High-quality racks often use advanced design principles like load spreading and distribution to achieve this level of security. This helps ensure that the weight of your gear is evenly distributed across the rack rather than concentrated in one area. This not only helps prevent damage to your bike but also helps the rack maintain its stability and structure.
But it's not just about the weight of your gear - high-quality racks are also designed to handle the forces acting on them while in use. This includes things like wind resistance and vibrations caused by driving. To do this, they often feature aerodynamic designs that reduce drag and noise, as well as sturdy materials and construction methods that can withstand these forces.
Invest in high-quality bike roof racks and enjoy knowing your bike is secure and your ride is rad. Happy shopping!