Looking to buy, sell, or trade wind sports gear?
Swap meets are a great way to get into wind sports on a budget, pick up a hidden gem, or find a good new owner for that great gear in your garage that's yearning to get out on the water again with a new owner.
Hood River has a long tradition of swap meets going back decades right here in the Windance parking lot and are a gear fest most wingers, kiters, and windsurfers can only dream about. But for lucky locals and visitors, they're a trove of great gear and amazing people. A place to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. A place to share stories and hot tips. And a cornerstone of wind sports culture in The Gorge.

Hood River Swap Meet Calendar 2025
- Sunday, 5/18 8am-12pm hosted by Windance
- Sunday, 5/25 8am-12pm hosted by CGW2
- Sunday, 6/22 8am-12pm hosted by Windance
- Sunday, 7/5 8am-12pm hosted by CGW2
- Sunday, 7/20 8am-12pm hosted by Windance
- Sunday, 8/24 8am-12pm hosted by Windance
- Sunday, 8/31 8am-12pm hosted by CGW2
Hood River Swap Meet Locations
Windance-hosted swap meets are held at Windance:
CGW2-hosted swap meets are held at the waterfront:
Pro Tips for Swap Meets
- Bring cash
- Early bird gets the worm ;)
- Arrive at least 30-60 minutes early to register and get set up
- Post asking prices for each item you're selling
- Inflate gear (if applicable) the day before so you can accurately advise buyers about its current condition
- Seller fee ($15 at Windance swap meets, $10 at CGW2 swap meets)
- Park in designated areas or where the parking attendants direct you
We'll see you there!